
Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Pelajaran Hidup (1)

Hidup ini banyak mengajarkan aku banyak hal. Mulai dari cinta,kasih sayang,benci.dsb. Semua itu pasti kamu temui selama hidupmu. Ada orang yang menyukaimu dan ada pula orang yang membencimu. Itu hal yang wajar. Tak ada seorangpun yang sempurna. Semua pasti pernah berbuat salah. Setiap manusia diciptakan berbeda. Masing-masing memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya. Apapun itu kita harus selalu mensyukurinnya. Semua itu adalah pemberian Sang Pencipta.Tuhan menciptakan orang cacat juga pasti ada sebabnya.
Ada salah 1 hal yang aku selalu ingat dalam hidup ini. Aku yakin semua orang itu diciptakan baik,tidak ada orang yang lahir sudah menjadi orang jahat,apabila ada orang yang berubah menjadi jahat itu adalah karena pengaruh lingkungan,tuntutan kehidupan,dll. Dan bukan karena watak aslinya seperti itu.
Begitulah hidup,selalu ada naik dan turun. Seperti roda yang terus berputar. Karena,kehidupan pun tidak juga ada yang sempurna. Berterima kasih lah kepada 2 orang di dunia ini. Pertama,dia adalah orang yang selalu mendukung mu,membantu kamu,mereka adalah orang tua kamu,saudara kamu,teman-teman kamu. Kedua,berterima kasihlah kepada orang-orang yang membencimu,yang selalu membuat kamu sedih,yang suka menjatuhkanmu,mereka adalah musuh-musuhmu,orang yang kamu kecewakan,dll. Mengapa? Karena dari merekalah kamu belajar apa itu cinta yang sesungguhnya.

Minggu, 13 Mei 2012


How Bad Do You Want It ?

"As a young man who you realize wanted to create a great deal of cash, and so he went to this guru right, he told this guru he wanted to be on the same level your on and so the guru said in the event you wanted to be on exactly the same level I’m on, I’ll meet you at the beach at four in the morning.
He liked the beach. I stated I wanted to "make money", I do not want to swim.

The guru said if you wanted to create money I’ll meet you tomorrow 4 am.
So the young man got there at 4am, all prepared to rock and roll got the suit on, he ought to of worn shorts. The old man grabs his hand and says how bad do you want to be successful?
He said "real bad", The guru says walk on out there. So he walks out onto the water, watch this, when goes out to the water he goes waist deep, like this crazy guy. I just wanna make cash; he got me out there swimming. I didn’t ask to be a life guard. I wish to make money!
So he says come on out just a little further after which he had him right about this region (The shoulder area), so this old man is crazy, he may be making cash but he crazy. He stated come on out just a little further, it was correct about his mouth. My man I'm about to go right back in here, this guy is out of his mind. But the old man stated, believed you wanted to be effective.
He stated I do! he said "walk a little further". He came dropped his head in, held in him down! Hold him down! My man didn’t scratching hold him down! I got you, I know you brushed it off but I got you. He had him held down; I require you for an illustration. He had him down just about before my man was going to pass out, so he raised him up, he stated I got a question for you, somebody answer the question for me, he stated when you had been water what did you want to do?

He said I wanted to breathe. He told the guy, he stated whenever you wish to succeed as bad as you wanted to breathe and then you will be successful.

I do not know how many of you all have asthma in here today, but in the event you ever had an asthma attack before you short of breathe (sob) short of breathe, you weezy ( breathes in deeply). the only factor you trying to do is get some air! You do not care about no basketball game! whats on television! You don’t care about nobody calling you! You do not care about a party! The only thing you care about whilst trying to breathe is obtaining some fresh air, that’s it! and whenever you get to the point where all you would like to be is effective as bad as you would like to breathe, then you will be successful! I’m here to let you know number 1 that the majority of you say you want to be successful but you do not want it bad enough, just kinda want it.
You do not want it badder than you would like to party, you don’t want it as much as you wanna be cool, the majority of you do not want success as much as you want to sleep!
Some of you love sleep more then you love success. I’m here to tell you today if you’re going to be effective, you got to be willing to give up sleep, you gotta be willing to work off of 2 hours of sleep 3 hours of sleep! In the event you really wish to be effective some days you’re going to need to remain up 3 days in a row, simply because in the event you go to sleep you might miss the chance to be successful, that’s how bad you got to want it.
You got to go days with out sleep. You would like to be effective so poor you forget to eat! Beyonce stated as soon as she was on the set performing her factor, 3 days had gone by and she forgotten she didn’t eat! Because she was engaged. I’ll by no means forget when 50 cent was performing his movie, I did a little analysis on 50 and 50 stated that when he wasn’t doing the movie he was performing the sound track, and they said when do you sleep 50, sleep? Sleep is for those people who are broke, I don’t sleep. I got an opportunity to create a dream come a reality. How many individuals in here like football? Emmy smith I utilized to be a cowboy fan prior to they give my boy tom lance I use to be a cowboy fan. watch this, there use to be a commercial, emmy smith had won his first super bowl and he had this commercial where he was lifting weights, I do not know in the event you saw the commercial and he was lifting and he said “you know what I won the super bowl, I can rest now, so he throws up about 325! And rests for about 2 seconds and then boom once more, again. Did you see that? he already won the super bowl!, he stated I’m going to rest, how long did he rest? Only a second, most of you all won’t be effective because whenever you studying and you get tired, you uite! And I’m here to let you know these days don’t cry to give up! cry to keep going! do not cry to unite! you already in discomfort! you already hurt! get a reward!"

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

CHAMPION !!! [ Part II ]

Game final pun tinggal 1 jam lagi dan kami sudah siap-siap untuk briefing dan meninggalkan hotel menuju Gor UNY. Ketika briefing tidak byk yg diomongin krn malam sebelum itu kami sudah dipaparkan apa yang harus dihadapi buat final. Hanya ketika itu Coach Ocky sempat ngomong sedikit dan tiba-tiba mengeluarkan kata-kata motivasi 'Man Jadda Wa Jadda" yg artinya kira-kira "Barang siapa yang sungguh-sungguh pasti dapat". Aku pun heran soalnya siang sebelum itu aku update di twitter dan ada kata-kata seperti itu. Belakangan aku baru tau ternyata dia baca timeline ku itu dan cari di google artinya apa. Hahahaha..Dan setelah itu kami pun tos bareng dan semua pemain sangat antusias meneriakkan "Satria Muda". Kami pun segera jalan menuju bus. 10 menit kemudian kami sampai Gor. Ketika memasuki parkir Gor terlihat parkir sangat penuh tapi masih banyak orang yang masih di luar,eh ternyata mereka banyak tidak dapat tempat duduk. Dari dalam Gor pun terdengar riuh teriakan -teriakan dari penonton. Kami pun segera turun dam memasuki arena dengan satu tekad,satu semangat dan satu tujuan menjadi JUARA INDONESIA.


Minggu, 06 Mei 2012


29 April 2012. Bagi para penggemar basket khususnya NBL pasti sudah pada tau apa yang terjadi pada tanggal tersebut. Yup itu adalah hari dimana final NBL 2011-2012 digelar yang mempertemukan antara timku Satria Muda Britama melawan Dell Aspac. Pertandingan ini berlangsung di GOR UNY Jogjakarta. Bagiku main di Jogjakarta merupakan kebanggan tersendiri,karena disinilah bisa dibilang awal mula karirku bermain basket. Selain itu Jogjakarta juga dekat dengan asalku yaitu di Magelang.
Selama di Jogja aku sekamar sama Arki Wisnu yang juga roommate di mess. Meskipun sebenarnya tegang tapi kami berdua sangat excited banget menghadapi final. Hari-hari menjelang final kita suka menonton video-video motivasi. Malam sebelum Hari-H kita menonton video seperti dibawah ini.


Terus terang setelah kita menonton video-video motivasi tersebut kita semakin gak sabar buat nunggu besok (final). Perasaan tegang pasti ada tapi semua ketutup dengan semangat yang membara.
Dan Hari-H pun datang. Aku sangat antusias hari itu. Menurutku itu adalah hari dimana rasa sakit itu tidak ada,yang ada hanyalah berusaha ibaratnya sampai titik darah penghabisan. Seperti tulisan di dinding dalam DBL Arena,kira-kira bunyinya seperti ini. "Every Man Suffers Pain Either The Pain of Hard Work or The Pain of Regret".